unique selling proposition

Tellman Scam… or Success Tax?

Robin RobinsIT Managed Services

Here’s a bit of a dilemma I’d like to get your opinion on… At my last 25K meeting, one of my colleagues, Tellman Knudson, shared how he was getting absolutely trashed online as a scam artist for trying to do a good deed. Last year, Tellman decided to raise awareness and money for homeless teenagers by throwing down a pretty …

unique selling proposition

Brief Shining Moments

Robin RobinsIT Managed Services

Did you happen to catch any of the “top 10” finishes of the Winter Olympics? For me, the best part is seeing someone have all their training and preparation pay off in a glorious win, especially if they won by a mere fraction of a second or a “big” lead. The look on their faces, the excitement in the annoucers …

unique selling proposition

Are YOU Going to Be There???

Robin RobinsIT Managed Services

We’ve been getting a ton of questions about my upcoming boot camp. I recorded the answer to a couple of the top questions and posted them for your viewing pleasure below… If you’re not already signed up for my boot camp, then you better hurry on over to http://www.robinsbigseminar.com right away. As of this posting, we only have room for …

unique selling proposition

Computer Consultants: It’s All About the LIST!

Robin RobinsIT Managed Services

I think I get more questions about lists than just about any other marketing topic.  And quite honestly, it IS the single most important element in any marketing initiative. But I seem to have a hard time getting people to understand that it’s not the list that you buy that will save you, but rather the list that you build. …

unique selling proposition

Managed Services Providers… Get Off Your Duff & Implement MORE!

Robin RobinsIT Managed Services

New Years Resolution #7:  Get your online “presence” fixed Okay, I DON’T like the word “presence” because it sounds like a meaningless fifty-cent word, but I don’t have a better one (yet) to describe all the elements that fall under your online marketing strategy.  Even though I’ve said over and over again how important it is to have a web …

unique selling proposition

Top 8 New Years Resolutions for IT Marketers, Part II

Robin RobinsIT Managed Services

This is part 2 out of a 4 part series this month, highlighting my Top 8 New Years Resolutions for IT Marketers. New Years Resolution #3:  Leverage MORE of your EXISTING assets. To do this I suppose you need to recognize what your current assets are. That would be your current customers and (hopefully) the relationship you have with them. …

unique selling proposition

Wanted: High-Performance VP of Marketing

Robin RobinsIT Managed Services

Are you a results-focused, high-performance marketing genius who knows how to generate sales without excuses? Does hitting big goals, making big money and working with other “A” players excite you? Do you enjoy working in an environment where exceptionally high standards are expected? Do you have a high-level of confidence in your ability to develop and implement marketing plans, campaigns …

unique selling proposition

You submit a proposal to a client, but then you can’t get the prospect to call you back, much less buy.

Robin RobinsIT Managed Services

Root Cause: Chances are you didn’t qualify the prospect well enough, AND you made the mistake of using the proposal to close the sale instead of using it ONLY as a way to solidify on paper what you’ve already discussed and agreed to in person. A lot of people request proposals as a nice way of saying, “I’m not interested.” …