unique selling proposition

The Most Expensive Advice Is…

Robin RobinsIT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services, MSP Marketing, Technology Marketing

In looking through the classified ads in the back of Response magazine (opposite), I was appalled to discover that not one single advertisement – NOT ONE – used direct response marketing. ALL lacked a compelling headline, OFFER, benefits or testimonials, and MANY didn’t have a means for responding – which is the entire purpose of direct response marketing: to elicit …

unique selling proposition

The Secret To Finding, Hiring And Keeping GREAT Employees

Robin RobinsManaged Services

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” — Shakespeare’s Hamlet In that case, I THINK the process of finding and hiring a competent employee is the single most painful, disappointing, tiresome and annoying part of running a business. There is a REASON I keep a bottle of good old Tennessee Honey Jack under my desk.  …

unique selling proposition

Are You Overlooking The Easy Money In Your Business?

Robin RobinsManaged Services, MSP Marketing

Many business owners leave LOTSA money on the table by not addressing their existing clients’ unmet needs. Most don’t even know what they are because they never go looking for them. I’ve said for years that you’ll never have a client call and say, “Hey Boss, I got a pile of money here that I don’t know what to do …

unique selling proposition

What Are The Steps To Properly Brand My New Startup Company? (My Answer)

Robin RobinsIT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services, Technology Marketing

Two questions from Brad Ashmore, Practical Technology Services: 1. “Can you provide the steps to properly brand my new startup company?” 2. “What is the best way to find a qualified business partner to join me in this new venture?” As a new startup, you have a special place in my heart because I’ve been in your shoes. And since you’re …

unique selling proposition

You’ve Got Questions, I Have Answers

Robin RobinsManaged Services, MSP Marketing

Q: From Joe Oberman, Florida Healthcare IT, “Do you think I can be successful at marketing?” A: While this may seem like an odd question to some of the members, I think it’s actually one that many people think to themselves, but don’t ask me outright. Therefore, it’s a great one for me to address here. First off, I don’t …

unique selling proposition

The Real Asset In Any Business

Robin RobinsManaged Services, MSP Marketing

One of the most overlooked elements of any marketing campaign is the relationship the sender of the campaign has with the list being sent to. Often this is the big variable in campaigns and why one member can get unbelievable response to an offer or a campaign and others fall flat. Current Spokesperson Tom Malesic of EZSolution comes to mind. …

unique selling proposition

Are you an expert in creating, selling and delivering disaster recovery plans?

Robin RobinsIT Sales, Managed Services, MSP Marketing

I’m looking to hire an expert on creating, selling and delivering disaster recovery plans (not just backup services) to small and medium businesses. I would pay for these consulting services, but don’t know what amount of time and involvement it would require; that will be part of the discovery process I’m conducting right now. The person I’m looking for must …